Illness Policy
Please show your fellow ETC members common courtesy by keeping sick or contagious children, or adults, at home. Children must be free of the following symptoms for 24 hours before the event to be attended.
Fever, even low-grade
vomiting or diarrhea
on-going cough, congestion, or colored mucus
skin infections or rashes
- other signs of infectious illness
If you become aware that a member of your family has contracted a serious communicable disease and may have exposed other ETC families, please notify the group through the ETC forum so parents may be aware of potential infections in their children.
* Be aware that some ETC families chose not to vaccinate their children according to the immunization schedule recommended by the mainstream healthcare community.
In case of family emergency or sickness, well children will be allowed to attend events with a relative or other parent who will be responsible for them. Please notify the Coordinator in the event of unexpected absences.