Neurodiversity and Special Needs

ETC ministry is to home educating families.  We understand that sometimes those families include members who learn differently or face mental, emotional, or developmental challenges.  In 2022 ETC created a committee to address the needs of ETC families with neurodiverse learning and special needs. 


ETC Neuro- Eclectic Learners Resource Center will provide valuable support and resources for families in the homeschool community raising children who have special needs. 

Developmental Special Needs include challenges related to social, intellectual, physical development, and academic development.

ETC has put together resources to connect parents with professionals who can help in a variety of ways. We also will have office times where a parent can sign up and have a conference with a specialist who can help answer questions, connect to a list of professionals for student needs, and suggestions for help at home with behavioral, social, and academic issues the family may be having.

ETC's Neuro-Eclectic Resource Center has workshops for parents scheduled on a variety of topics that can aid the parent in hands-on solutions to some challenges they may be having.  More information, including date, time, and topic, is available on our calendar.

Office Hours

Monday office hours will be held at Our Rogers Campus.

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday Office Hours will be at our Bentonville Campus.

(Exact location will be given when you schedule an appointment or sign-up to attend a training.)


The COMMITTEE ON NEURODIVERSITY has been appointed to address some of the challenges we face in the Consortium as we work with students with different ways of learning.  The committee will: operate as a Family Liaison with ETC; develop training for Consortium Instructors to help them better serve neurodiverse students; develop strategies for integration, modifications, and accommodations in the classroom; work with the parent and Instructor to problem-solve when accommodations become more complicated or fail to serve the student; and balance the needs of the families that include one ore more neurodiverse student(s) with the needs of the entirety of the class population and the limits of time and training of the Instructors.

When inputting your membership information you will be asked to list any special needs, learningdisabilities or mental health problems that your student has which might impact his or her participation in classes or activities.  This information will be viewable by administrators and teachers only.  

All CORE members should fill out the Plan for Educational Progress to give teachers and administrators some a lead on how to best serve each student.

ETC also provides spaces for therapist to meet with students on campus on class days, for the convenience of the parent and the comfort of the child.

We ask all members to keep in mind that although ETC retains some trained, professional specialists we are not equipped to deal with all ranges of disabilities.  Many of our Consortium teachers are willing to implement modifications or accommodations for special needs students, so communication with teachers is important.  Please discuss your child's specific needs with his or her Consortium teachers, but be prepared to provide personalized support if needed.  The NeuroEclectic Resource center can help you connect with highly trained Christian professionals in a variety of fields.