Consortium Course Proposal

indicates a required answer

Consortium Elective Course Proposal

It is vital to the success of the Consortium program that we are able to offer high-quality, engaging, educational classes for our students.  We encourage creativity and a standard of excellence from our teachers and want to support and reward those efforts. 


ETC Member Instructors- The benefit for those who teach an Elective class is a flat rate per class taught.  The specific rate may vary based on teacher experience, size of the class, expertise required to teach the subject matter, complexity of the subject matter, and other factors. 

Member Teachers may apply their teacher pay to their tuition bill and other fees, but will be required to pay an initial deposit.  Member teachers will also have the opportunity for priority enrollment in classes.  Nursery for their children under 3 years of age during teaching hours is provided without charge.

All teachers will be paid as employees, with taxes withheld and matched, and receive a W2 tax statement at year end.


The process for selection for a teaching position begins with a Consortium Instructor Application.  Please fill out this form if you have not done so in the past.

List the details about the Elective course you would like to teach below.  If you are undecided about a detail, would like to offer several options, or need input, note that in the space provided.  You do not have to have an answer for every question; some details can be ironed out later.  The essential details that must be included in order for your class to be considered are a course description and curriculum if any, the age/grade for which your class should be offered, and the hours that you are NOT available.

Complete a separate Course Proposal for each unique Elective course you'd like to teach.  Same or similar classes taught for multiple hours or to different age groups do not requried a seperate Course Proposal.

1. *

For which program would you like to offer to teach this class? Check all that apply.

 (1 required)
Bentonville CORE Bentonville ELECTIVE
Siloam Springs ELECTIVE Rogers ELECTIVE
ETC Resource Center
2. *

Course working title:

3. *

Your name:

4. *

Your email address.  You'll receive updates about the course and enrollment at this address.  Your roster will be delivered to this address as well.

5. *

For which grade(s) would this course be appropriate?  Select all grades for which you would be willing to teach this course.  This does not mean that you would be scheduled to teach all of these grades at the same time in the same class, or that you would be scheduled to teach multiple classes.

 (1 required)
Preschool Kindergarten
1st 2nd
3rd 4th
5th 6th
7th 8th
9th 10th
11th 12th

In one to two sentences, describe your qualifications for teaching on this particular subject. (Optional)

7. *

What curriculum, if any, would you use to teach this course?  If you will create your own curriculum list books, websites, or materials that you will use.  If you need help chosing a curriculum or if you need ETC to purchase the curriculum for you, please note that here.

8. *

List the name of any curriculum or books that the students in this course would need to use? 

  • Indicate if the curriculum or book is required or recommended. 
  • Indicate if the curriculum or book should be purchased by you, the Instructor, and charged to the student along with other fees. 
  • If the student is to provide their own curriculum or book, note any details about the materials that you have, including title, author, ISBN, retail price, ordering information, etc.

If no curriculum or book is required type NONE.

9. *

Include a one-paragraph course description that will give Consortium parents and students a clear idea of

  • what to expect that they will learn
  • what to expect that they will do in the class
  • reasons why a student might want to take this class or how he/she might benefit. 
  • any prerequisite this class might have or be for
  • any particular skills, knowledge, or experience that the student might need in order to benefit from this class

Think of this as your "sell" of the class.  

10. *

Would you plan to cover the material for this class over the course of one semester or two semesters?

11. *

Is this course best suited for a particular gender?

12. *

Do you plan to assign homework that students would need to complete in order to fully participate in the course? 

If so, describe the type of work and the approximate amount of time a student would expect to spend completing it each week.

If you do not plan to assign required homework, type NONE.


Some supplies are best supplied by each student, such as common or recyclable materials, materials students are likely to already own, or supplies that can be chosen based on preference.  In some cases, a student may wish to invest in durable equipment, instruments, or tools that they will need..  

List any supplies, materials, or equipment that each student in this course would need to provide for himself/herself.

14. *

Indicate which class hour(s) you are  NOT available to teach this course?

 (1 required)
NOT available 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM NOT available 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
NOT available 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM NOT available 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
NOT available 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM NOT available 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
None - I am available any hour.
15. *

Using a range, such as 5-15, indicate the lower and upper limits of the number of students you would like to have in this class.

  • The minimum number should reflect the number of students you would need in the class to carry out planned activities. 
  • The maximum number should indicate the greatest number of students you would find manageable in one class.   Keep in mind that a parent/helper will be in the class to help with classroom management.

The final class size will be set by administration based on your preference along with other factors, such as room size.

16. *

Calculate the cost of supplies PER STUDENT that you expect to need to carry out the planned activities and lessons for this class.  

Some supplies and materials may be best supplied by you, the instructor, because

  • students may not have access to a supplier
  • the exact materials may be hard to identify
  • supplies may only be sold, or are significantly more affordable when bought in a large quantity
  • students will be sharing materials
  • you'll need a significant number of copies.  These would need to be made at a copy shop. A reasonable estimate might be 10¢ per black/white copy and 50¢ for a full-color copy (A number of copies, such as 2-4 per day per student, can be made at Consortium without additional charge.)

What fee per student would you need in order to cover your expenses for materials and supplies? 

If you do not need to charge a fee for supplies, Type $0 or NONE.


Indicate any special room requirements, equipment, or accomodations that you will need to effectively teach this course. 

tables with chairs dry erase board
floor space (without tables or chairs) carpeted flooring (sitting/playing on the floor)
hard flooring for messy projects TV
Smart TV DVD player
CD Player projector
laptop (that you can't provide yourself) bulletin board or wall space for hanging visuals
Lab equipment (list below) musical instrument (list below)
downstairs classroom gym
kitchen sports equipment (list below)
convenient access to a sink table coverings or smocks for materials that stain
extra table space for large projects classroom storage space
space for projects to set/dry

List any OTHER special equipment or space requirements you have not listed above.



Provide any additional information about the course that you believe would be helpful for the Consortium director or parents to know.

20. *

List any planned absences by date.  If you have no planned absences type NONE.

Finally, upload a course syllabus that includes a week-by-week course of study

Core Syllabus

Elective Syllabus

The syllabus should be in Word or Google Docs format (or a similar format that may be edited). 

Your class can not be officially added to the Consortium schedule until your syllabus is submitted.